How Meetby is Changing the Education

How Meetby is Changing the Education

Teachers use Meetby to conduct classes, online assessments, group discussions, journal clubs and personal coaching. Meetby integrated with your existing learning application could provide excellent video experience and better learning outcomes.

Why Meetby for Education?

Online learning has been adopted across the globe for its effectiveness and safety. The closure of schools and geographical challenges have forced many institutions to switch to online programs. Now a student could enroll for short courses, graduation, higher studies or research from the best institutions across the globe through internet platforms.

Meetby is built for enterprise-level video communications with the robust technology stack. This system is capable of handling multiple video channels and large users. Meetby easily integrates with learning management systems and learning experience platforms through APIs. Such systems are highly secure, improve learning experience, offer multiple features and maximize the learning outcomes.

Meetby improves the communication with other students and teachers to enhance the subject knowledge in their field of study. The easier access to the faculty and resources through multiple devices help the students to attain more value from their courses. The next-level learning tools along with video communication systems like Meetby are driving massive transformation in the education sector.

How Educators Are Using Meetby?

Educators customize the Meetby activities based on their preferred learning outcomes. The common activities include online classes, grading and assessments, group discussions, journal clubs, and personal coaching.

Online classes

Meetby offers 100+ participants in a single session. The duration of the session is unlimited for Meetby partnered educational institutions. This allows teachers to conduct an interactive session for large groups without any hassles. The students as well as faculty can use multiple devices to video call, screen share and chat through a normal internet connection.

The faculty shall use the administrative console to enroll and manage students. The classes could be scheduled in advance. These classes and recordings could be stored on your local devices as well as cloud.

Assessments and Grading

Meetby is the best tool to conduct oral examinations. The faculty and student in person or as groups conduct closed-group calls for assessments. Meetby is also used for invigilation of written-examinations. Such sessions could be verified by faculty to prevent fraud and malpractice.

Closed group interviews and evaluations shall be scheduled in advance, and shared with the concerned members through emails. The duration and participants of such meetings could be fixed, hence no last minute unexpected extensions. The faculty can invite other members to witness sessions including PhD defense, Q&A and research presentations.

Group discussions

The moderator of the group discussions has Meetby host privileges, which allows them to schedule and invite members for the discussion. The time and duration of the discussion could be pre-fixed or extended based on the requirements. The rules of the group discussion shall be presented or shared by the moderator prior to the discussion for better results.

The moderator is free to choose the features including mute, hands up, screen share based on the objective of the discussion. The groups could use chat feature for internal communications without breaking from the main discussion.

Journal clubs

The presenter and moderator of the journal club shall use Meetby to schedule meetings, invite members and conduct discussion. The research journal and notes could be shared using file share to the attendees. The moderator shall use the Meetby’s host privilege and features to achieve the objectives of the discussion.

Meetby has every feature to conduct a journal club in all formats. Compared to face-face sessions, online journal clubs are effective and convenient for both the presenter as well as faculty. The time to sort out the logistical issues are minimised, hence the time could be well-utilized for a fruitful discussion.

Personal coaching

One to one sessions with students are important to provide personalised learning experiences. Each faculty shall schedule such sessions for doubt clearing, feedback collection and personal chats. Students and faculty can hold such sessions though video calls or chats. In resource limited settings, the members can dial-in to such sessions though telephone.

The availability of personal coaching channels will boost the confidence of learners throughout the course. Hosting direct sessions even for a minimal duration has a tremendous impact on the course satisfaction and learning outcomes.

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